Lotto Libre 🚀

Lotto Libre by DiemLibre $DLB Play is an inovation in gaming. Lotto Libre make use of On-Chain Verifiable Randomness with VRF on the blockchain. You join a pool by paying a certain entrance fee which makes part of the lot and the winner is chose at random and rewarded with the lot.

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Version: v1.0BETA (11 Jul, 22)
Category: Libre
Skills Required: None
Rewards: High!
Age Restriction: 18+

Space Company 🚀

DiemLibre Play Space Company is a science-fiction incremental game where you start from humble beginnings on Earth, working your way up to travelling between star systems and building Dyson Spheres and pretty much colonising the entire galaxy(ies?).

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Version: v1.0BETA (21 Jun, 22)
Category: Libre
Skills Required: None
Rewards: High!
Age Restriction: 18+
Credits: @sparticle999

Libre Slot 🎰

The Iconic Classic Casino Slot Machine, now rep up these slots cash out lots.

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Version: v1.0 (21 Jun, 22)
Category: Libre
Skills Required: None
Rewards: High!
Age Restriction: 18+

Libre Lottery 🎱

Anybody can win the Libre Lottery. Give it a try you might just be the LUCKY ONE!

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Version: v1.1 (18 Jun, 22)
Category: Libre
Skills Required: None
Rewards: High!
Age Restriction: 18+

Lucky Wheels 🎡

Feeling luck? Spin the Wheel and see what you are made of.

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Version: v1.0 (24 Jan, 22)
Category: Libre
Skills Required: None
Rewards: High!
Age Restriction: 18+